a weekly staple in our house.

this is the perfect meal to plan for every week, but you switch the veggies up weekly so that it never gets boring!

:: for this bowl I roasted broccoli with olive oil, salt & pepper @ 400 for 20-25 minutes.

:: then I roasted sweet potatoes in wedges with olive oil, salt, pepper & a little cayenne again @ 400 for 20-25 minutes. I had mine with a little Dijon mustard.

:: for the squash I did exactly the same thing, sensing a theme here?

:: kale chips are my new jam.. I just remove the kale from the stems, spray with avocado oil, sprinkle with salt & roast & 400 for 10-15 minutes.

:: I served it all over brown rice. And it was goood.




1 broccoli crown

1 medium sweet potato

1 squash

3-4 kale stems

1 cup brown rice

Olive oil

Avocado spray

Salt & pepper
