About Me!

Hi! Thank you so much for visiting my website! I truly, truly appreciate your time.

My name is Ellyn. Let me share a few things you may want to know about me!

I’m in my late 2o’s.
I’ve been married to my pal, Aaron, since 2018.
I have been a nanny to four of my favorite people since 2014.
We have 2 dogs ( Ruby & Nixon ) & 3 cats ( Murphy, Molly & Moose. ) I know! We sound crazy, but we love them all so much!
I love running, reading, writing & cooking.
I can't live without coffee, ice cream or pasta.
I'll spend any day at any beach.
For the life in me.. I do not understand camping!

One of the most important things about me is my love for food, health & balance. I love cooking & feeding those I love. I think there is something very monumental about gathering around a table with the important people in your life. I also find such freedom & gratitude in being able to give my body what it needs. I believe investing in your health should be joyful, not a burden. BUT, I truly believe in balance. I do not think we can be truly healthy if we are always restricting ourselves & scrutinizing every move we made.

Once again, I’m so grateful you’re here!

I hope that this is a place of peace & freedom for you. I hope encourages you to treat yourself ( & everyone around you ) with kindness. I hope you find something delicious to cook that serves your body, your soul & the people you love.

