one of my top five dinners.. weekday, weekend.. I do not care.

They’re easiest enough for the week, but decadent enough for the weekend.

Really you can make them any way you want with whatever is in your kitchen. This is just a basic recipe, but change it up!

:: I start by sautéing 1 diced green pepper & 1/2 a diced onion in avocado oil in a cast iron skillet over medium heat.

:: once the veggies are tender & beginning to brown ( about 5 minutes ), I add in 2 cloves of chopped garlic & 1 heaping tablespoon of cumin. That sautés for another 2 minutes.

:: in a large bowl I add 1 canned of drained black beans — I usually like to go through & smashed them a bit so they stay in the tortilla better.

:: next I add in the cooked veggies, 2 oz of feta cheese, a few good dashes of hot sauce ( optional ) & 2-3 chopped green onions.

:: this will make 12 taquitos. I use corn tortillas, but any type is delicious!

:: I add about 1 tablespoon of the mixture to the tortilla & roll tightly.

:: back in the cast iron skillet I add 2-3 tablespoons of avocado oil over medium heat. You may need to add more oil in between batches.

:: I cook 6 taquitos at a time for 4-5 minutes per side.

:: I topped them with a sauce made of greek yogurt, mayo & hot sauce!

We never have leftovers.



• 1 green bell pepper

• 1/2 onion

• avocado oil

• garlic cloves x 2

• 1 tablespoon cumin

• 1 can black beans

• 2 oz feta cheese

• 2-3 green onions

• hot sauce – optional

• 12 corn tortillas

For the sauce —

• 1/2 cup greek yogurt

• 2 tablespoons mayo

• hot sauce to taste